
Functions for managing index notes one’s math vault.

In a Obsidian math vault, it is convenient to keep index notes, which list links to other index notes or standard information notes.

The methods in this module - create (standard information) notes in appropriate folders, - set up the notes, - add links of the notes to appropriate index notes - indicate in the index note and the standard information note where the content of the information note originates from in the original text.

import tempfile
from unittest import mock
import shutil

from fastcore.test import *
from pathvalidate import validate_filename

from trouver.helper import path_name_no_ext, _test_directory

Identifying subsections listed in index notes and subsection folders




Return subsections/subchapters as listed in the index note

See Also

Type Details
index_note typing.Union[trouver.markdown.obsidian.vault.VaultNote, str] The index note
vault PathLike
Returns dict The keys are 1. line numbers and 2. 'title'. The values are dict and str (the blank str if root node), respectively.
text = r"""# 1. Some section title
- [[some_note]], Page 1
- [[some_note_2]], Page 2

# 2. Some other section title
- [[some_note_3]], Page 2
- [[some_note_4]], Page 3

# 3. Section 3
- [[some_note_5|an alias]], Page 3

# 4. Section 4
# 5. Section 5

with mock.patch("", mock.mock_open(read_data=text)):
    fake_vn = VaultNote(rel_path='', vault='')  # Think of this as a VaultNote object whose underlying file has `text` as its content.
    subsections_in_text = subsections_listed_in_index_note(fake_vn, vault='')
    expected_output = {
        'title': '',
        0: {'title': '# 1. Some section title'},
        4: {'title': '# 2. Some other section title'},
        8: {'title': '# 3. Section 3'},
        11: {'title': '# 4. Section 4'},
        12: {'title': '# 5. Section 5'}}
    test_eq(subsections_in_text, expected_output)



                     ltNote,str], vault:os.PathLike, output_type:str)

Return subdirectories corresponding to subsections/subchapters, i.e. the folders in the same directory as the index note.

The folders are arranged in the order specified by natsorted.

Type Details
index_note typing.Union[trouver.markdown.obsidian.vault.VaultNote, str] The index note
vault PathLike
output_type str 'absolute_path', 'relative_path', or 'name'
Returns list List of immediate subdirectories in the directory containing the index note.
with (tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='temp_dir', dir=os.getcwd()) as temp_dir):
    temp_vault = Path(temp_dir) / 'test_vault_2'
    shutil.copytree(_test_directory() / 'test_vault_2', temp_vault)

    two_chapter_reference_1_index_note = VaultNote(temp_vault, name='_index_2_chapter_reference_1')
    ss_folders = subsection_folders(two_chapter_reference_1_index_note, temp_vault, output_type='name')
    assert len(ss_folders) > 0
mock_vault = Path('mock_absolute_path')
mock_path =  mock_vault / Path('mock_reference_folder') / Path('mock_chapter')
folders = [  #glob.glob would return the folders in this order, at least on Windows:
    '1 section',
    '10 section',
    '11 section',
    '2 section',
    '3 section',
    '4 section',
    '5 section',
    '6 section',
    '7 section',
    '8 section',
    '9 section']

mock_glob_return_value = [str(mock_path / folder) for folder in folders]

with mock.patch("__main__.glob.glob", return_value=mock_glob_return_value):
    mock_index_note = VaultNote(rel_path='', vault= mock_vault)
    sample_output_absolute_path = subsection_folders(mock_index_note, mock_vault, output_type='absolute_path')
    test_shuffled(sample_output_absolute_path, mock_glob_return_value)
    test_eq(sample_output_absolute_path, natsorted(mock_glob_return_value))

    sample_output_relative_path = subsection_folders(mock_index_note, mock_vault, output_type='relative_path')
    expected_output_for_relative_paths = [os.path.relpath(folder, mock_vault) for folder in mock_glob_return_value]
    test_shuffled(sample_output_relative_path, expected_output_for_relative_paths)
    test_eq(sample_output_relative_path, natsorted(expected_output_for_relative_paths))

    # test_eq(sample_output_absolute_path, )
    sample_output_name = subsection_folders(mock_index_note, mock_vault, output_type='name')
    test_shuffled(sample_output_name, folders)
    test_eq(sample_output_name, natsorted(folders))

Corresponding headings in index notes and subfolders



 get_alphanumeric (title:str, title_type:str)

Get the alphanumeric of a title of either a folder or a heading in an index noteh.

Assumes that each folder is titled '{alphanumeric}_{folder_title}' and each heading is titled '{alphanumeric}. {heading_title}'

Type Details
title str The title of either a folder or a heading. Must start with an alphanumeric.
title_type str Either folder or heading.
Returns str An alphabet or a numeric (arabic or roman)
test_eq(get_alphanumeric('1. Higher direct images', 'heading'), '1')
test_eq(get_alphanumeric('1_higher_direct_images', 'folder'), '1')
test_eq(get_alphanumeric('12_higher_direct_images_the_leray_spectral_sequence', 'folder'), '12')
test_eq(get_alphanumeric('VII_elliptic_curves_over_local_fields', 'folder'), 'VII')
test_eq(get_alphanumeric('A_properties_of_morphisms', 'folder'), 'A')



                                  ult.VaultNote, vault:os.PathLike,

Return tuples of corresponding headings in an index note with folder names.

Assumes that each folder is titled '{alphanumeric}_{folder_title}' and each heading is titled '{alphanumeric}. {heading_title}'

Returns - dict[str, str] - Each key is a str indexing the headings and folders. The keys are usually alphanumerics (arabic or roman), depending on the numbering system of chapters/sections of the reference/text. The values are tuples (folder_title, heading_title) without the alphanumeric. For the blank heading, the key/index, the folder title, and the heading title are all the empty str.

Type Default Details
index_note VaultNote
vault PathLike
include_non_heading bool True If True, and if there is text before any heading, then treat such text as being under a “blank” heading.
Returns dict
with (tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='temp_dir', dir=os.getcwd()) as temp_dir):
    temp_vault = Path(temp_dir) / 'test_vault_2'
    shutil.copytree(_test_directory() / 'test_vault_2', temp_vault)

    two_chapter_reference_1_index_note = VaultNote(temp_vault, name='_index_2_chapter_reference_1')
    test_eq(len(correspond_headings_with_folder(two_chapter_reference_1_index_note, temp_vault)), 1)
mock_vault = Path('mock_absolute_path')
mock_path =  mock_vault / Path('algebraic_geometry') / Path('some_reference') / Path('chapter_18_some_chapter')
folders = ['181_some_title',
mock_glob_return_value = [str(mock_path / folder) for folder in folders]

text = r"""# 18.1. Some title 
- [ ] [[some_reference 18.1|some_reference_some_alias]], 18.1, Page 300
# 18.2. Some other title 
- [ ] [[some_reference 18.2]], 18.2, Page 305
# 18.3. Yet another title 
- [ ] [[some_reference 18.3|]], 18.3, Page 308
mock_index_file = MarkdownFile.from_string(text)

with (mock.patch("__main__.glob.glob", return_value=mock_glob_return_value),
      mock.patch("trouver.markdown.markdown.file.MarkdownFile.from_vault_note", return_value=mock_index_file)):

    mock_index_note = VaultNote(rel_path = '', vault=mock_vault)
    # subsections_listed_in_index_note(mock_index_note, vault=mock_vault)
    sample_output = correspond_headings_with_folder(mock_index_note, mock_vault)
    test_eq(len(sample_output), 3)
    for key, value in sample_output.items():
        assert value[0].startswith(key)
        assert value[1].startswith(key.replace('.', ''))
{'18.1': ('18.1. Some title', '181_some_title'), '18.2': ('18.2. Some other title', '182_some_other_title'), '18.3': ('18.3. Yet another title', '183_yet_another_title')}

Move information notes to their appropriate folders.

Sometimes, I end up creating information notes in the wrong folders. It would be nice to detect which ones are in the wrong folders and to move them appropriately.




Find information notes to be moved to the correct folder.

Current implementation just looks at level 1 headings. This function is used in move_information_notes_to_correct_folder. Assumes that all notes in the vault have unique names.

Type Default Details
index_note VaultNote The note indexing the information notes.
vault PathLike
hints list None Hints on where the information notes are likely to be found at. Each path is relative to vault and points to a directory. Defaults to None.
Returns dict Each key is the index for the heading (usually either an alphanumerical or a roman numerical). Each value is a list of the information notes linked in the index note.

mock_vault = Path('mock_absolute_path')
mock_path =  mock_vault / Path('algebraic_geometry') / Path('some_reference') / Path('chapter_18_some_chapter')
folders = ['181_some_title',
mock_glob_return_value = [str(mock_path / folder) for folder in folders]

mock_correspond_headings_with_folder_return_value = {
  '18.1': ('18.1. Some title', '181_some_title'),
  '18.2': ('18.2. Some other title', '182_some_other_title'),
  '18.3': ('18.3. Yet another title', '183_yet_another_title')}

text = r"""# 18.1. Some title 
- [ ] [[some_reference 18.1|some_reference_some_alias]], 18.1, Page 300
- [ ] [[some_reference 18.1.1|another_alias]], 18.1.1, Page 300
- [ ] [[some_reference 18.1.2]], 18.1.2, Page 301
# 18.2. Some other title 
- [ ] [[some_reference 18.2]], 18.2, Page 305
- [ ] [[some_reference 18.2.1]], 18.2.1, Page 306
# 18.3. Yet another title 
- [ ] [[some_reference 18.3]], 18.3, Page 308
- [ ] [[some_reference 18.3.1]], 18.3.1, Page 308

mock_index_file = MarkdownFile.from_string(text)

mock_index_note = VaultNote(rel_path = mock_path / '', vault=mock_vault)

with (mock.patch("trouver.markdown.markdown.file.MarkdownFile.from_vault_note", return_value=mock_index_file),
      mock.patch("__main__.correspond_headings_with_folder", return_value=mock_correspond_headings_with_folder_return_value),
      # mock.patch("__main__.VaultNote", side_effect=[None, None, None, None, None, None, None])
    sample_output = information_notes_linked_in_index_note(mock_index_note, mock_vault)
    test_eq(len(sample_output), 3)
    test_eq(len(sample_output['18.1']), 3)
    test_eq(len(sample_output['18.2']), 2)
    test_eq(sample_output['18.1'][0].name, 'some_reference 18.1')
    test_eq(sample_output['18.2'][1].name, 'some_reference 18.2.1')
{'18.1': [<trouver.markdown.obsidian.vault.VaultNote object>, <trouver.markdown.obsidian.vault.VaultNote object>, <trouver.markdown.obsidian.vault.VaultNote object>], '18.2': [<trouver.markdown.obsidian.vault.VaultNote object>, <trouver.markdown.obsidian.vault.VaultNote object>], '18.3': [<trouver.markdown.obsidian.vault.VaultNote object>, <trouver.markdown.obsidian.vault.VaultNote object>]}




Moves the information notes indexed by index_note to the correct folder.

The “correct folder” is a folder in the same directory as index_note corresponding to the heading under which the information note is indexed. The current implementation just looks at level 1 headings.

Type Default Details
index_note VaultNote
vault PathLike
hints list None Hints on where the information notes are likely to be found at. Each path is relative to vault and points to a directory. Defaults to None.
Returns None
with (tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='temp_dir', dir=os.getcwd()) as temp_dir,
    temp_vault = Path(temp_dir) / 'test_vault_2'
    shutil.copytree(_test_directory() / 'test_vault_2', temp_vault)

    index_note = VaultNote(temp_vault, name='_index_1_chapter_reference_4')
    move_information_notes_to_correct_folder(index_note, temp_vault)
    assert str(VaultNote(temp_vault, name='this_note_stay_in_the_section_folder').path().parent).endswith('1_section')
    assert str(VaultNote(temp_vault, name='this_note_should_be_moved_to_the_chapter_folder_from_the_section_folder').path().parent).endswith('1_chapter_reference_4')
    assert str(VaultNote(temp_vault, name='this_note_should_be_moved_to_the_section_folder_from_the_chapter_folder').path().parent).endswith('1_section')



                                                           ote, vault:os.P
                                                           athLike, hints:

Moves the information notes for all index notes belonging to the reference as specified by index_of_index_notes.

Type Default Details
index_of_index_notes VaultNote The index note indexing other index notes; index_of_index_notes is intended to be an index note for an entire reference whereas the index notes are intended to correspond to chapters/sections in the reference.
vault PathLike
hints list [] Hints on where the information notes are likely to be found at. Each path is relative to vault and points to a directory.
Returns None

The following example demonstrating move_information_notes_to_correct_folder and move_information_notes_to_correct_folder_for_all_indices concerns test_vault_2 in nbs/_tests.

Note that it contains the note _index_1_chapter_reference_1, which has the following content:

vn = VaultNote(_test_directory(), name='_index_1_chapter_reference_1')
# 1. Section
- [[note_11]]
- [[note_12]]
- [[note_13]]

# 2. Section
- [[note_21]]
- [[note_22]]

# 3. Section
- [[note_31]]
- [[note_32]]
- [[a_note_belonging_in_3_section_1_chapter_reference_1]]

# 4. Section
- [[note_41]]
- [[note_42]]

However, the following notes are in the “wrong” folders according to these index notes:

  • is in the folder 1_section_1_chapter_reference_1, but it should be in the folder 2_section_1_chapter_reference_1.
  • is in the folder 3_section_1_chapter_reference_1, but it should be in the folder 4_section_1_chapter_reference_1.
  • is in the folder 3_section_1_chapter_reference_1, but it should be in the folder 4_section_1_chapter_reference_1.
  • is in the folder 4_section_1_chapter_reference_1, but it should be in the folder 1_section_1_chapter_reference_2.
  • is in the folder 4_section_1_chapter_reference_1, but it should be in the folder 1_section_2_chapter_reference_1.
  • is in the folder 1_section_2_chapter_reference_2, but it should be in the folder 3_section_1_chapter_reference_1.

The move_information_notes_to_correct_folder method first applied to the index note moves the notes indexed in the index note to their correct locations. In particular, the following notes are moved to their correct locations:

  •, and

The move_information_notes_to_correct_folder method applied to then moves to its correct location.

Lastly, the move_information_notes_to_correct_folder method applied to then moves to its correct location.

with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='temp_dir', dir=os.getcwd()) as temp_dir:
    temp_vault = Path(temp_dir) / 'test_vault_2'
    shutil.copytree(_test_directory() / 'test_vault_2', temp_vault)
    # os.startfile(temp_dir)
    # input()

    one_chapter_reference_1_index_note = VaultNote(temp_vault, name='_index_1_chapter_reference_1')
    two_chapter_reference_1_index_note = VaultNote(temp_vault, name='_index_2_chapter_reference_1')
    one_chapter_reference_2_index_note = VaultNote(temp_vault, name='_index_1_chapter_reference_2')

    move_information_notes_to_correct_folder(one_chapter_reference_1_index_note, temp_vault)
    note_21 = VaultNote(temp_vault, name='note_21')
    test_eq(path_name_no_ext(note_21.path().parent), '2_section_1_chapter_reference_1')
    note_41 = VaultNote(temp_vault, name='note_41')
    test_eq(path_name_no_ext(note_41.path().parent), '4_section_1_chapter_reference_1')
    note_42 = VaultNote(temp_vault, name='note_42')
    test_eq(path_name_no_ext(note_42.path().parent), '4_section_1_chapter_reference_1')
    note_alpha = VaultNote(temp_vault, name='a_note_belonging_in_3_section_1_chapter_reference_1')
    test_eq(path_name_no_ext(note_alpha.path().parent), '3_section_1_chapter_reference_1')

    # os.startfile(temp_vault)
    move_information_notes_to_correct_folder(two_chapter_reference_1_index_note, temp_vault)
    note_beta = VaultNote(temp_vault, name='a_note_belonging_in_1_section_2_chapter_reference_1')
    test_eq(path_name_no_ext(note_beta.path().parent), '1_section_2_chapter_reference_1')

    move_information_notes_to_correct_folder(one_chapter_reference_2_index_note, temp_vault)
    note_gamma = VaultNote(temp_vault, name='a_note_belonging_in_1_section_1_chapter_reference_2')
    test_eq(path_name_no_ext(note_gamma.path().parent), '1_section_1_chapter_reference_2')

The move_information_notes_to_correct_folder_for_all_indices applied to effectively invokes move_information_notes_to_correct_folder to the index notes which are indexed in, i.e. to _index_1_chapter_reference_1, _index_2_chapter_reference_1, _index_3_chapter_reference_1. Note that this invocation of the method does not invoke move_information_notes_to_correct_folder to _index_1_chapter_reference_2 and hence a_note_belonging_in_1_section_1_chapter_reference_2 is not moved to its correct location.

with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='temp_dir', dir=os.getcwd()) as temp_dir:
    temp_vault = Path(temp_dir) / 'test_vault_2'
    shutil.copytree(_test_directory() / 'test_vault_2', temp_vault)

    reference_1_index_note = VaultNote(temp_vault, name='_index_reference_1')
    move_information_notes_to_correct_folder_for_all_indices(reference_1_index_note, temp_vault)

    # These notes are moved to their correct locations because they belong to reference_1, i.e. 
    # are indexed in indexed notes which are indexed in `_index_reference_1`.
    note_21 = VaultNote(temp_vault, name='note_21')
    test_eq(path_name_no_ext(note_21.path().parent), '2_section_1_chapter_reference_1')
    note_41 = VaultNote(temp_vault, name='note_41')
    test_eq(path_name_no_ext(note_41.path().parent), '4_section_1_chapter_reference_1')
    note_42 = VaultNote(temp_vault, name='note_42')
    test_eq(path_name_no_ext(note_42.path().parent), '4_section_1_chapter_reference_1')
    note_alpha = VaultNote(temp_vault, name='a_note_belonging_in_3_section_1_chapter_reference_1')
    test_eq(path_name_no_ext(note_alpha.path().parent), '3_section_1_chapter_reference_1')

    note_beta = VaultNote(temp_vault, name='a_note_belonging_in_1_section_2_chapter_reference_1')
    test_eq(path_name_no_ext(note_beta.path().parent), '1_section_2_chapter_reference_1')

    # This note is not moved to its correct location because it does not belong to reference_2.
    note_gamma = VaultNote(temp_vault, name='a_note_belonging_in_1_section_1_chapter_reference_2')
    test_ne(path_name_no_ext(note_gamma.path().parent), '1_section_1_chapter_reference_2')
    test_eq(path_name_no_ext(note_gamma.path().parent), '4_section_1_chapter_reference_1')

Automatically make subfolders based on index note headings



 convert_title_to_folder_name (title:str)

Returns a folder name for the given string, e.g. replaces spaces with underscore.

Parameters - title - str

Returns - str

# TODO: add examples
sample_title = convert_title_to_folder_name(r'1. $\mathscr{M}_g$ and its boundary')

sample_title = convert_title_to_folder_name(r'''7. Exceptional maximal subgroups of 



 convert_heading_to_folder_name (heading:str)

Converts a heading to a valid name for a folder.

TODO Might not work correctly.

Parameters - heading: str

Type Details
heading str Matches regex \# (\w+?)\. (.*?)
Returns str
print(convert_heading_to_folder_name(r'# 1. First title'))
print(convert_heading_to_folder_name(r'# A. appendix title'))
# print(convert_heading_to_folder_name(r'# A.1. appendix title')) # Works incorrectly TODO fix
print(convert_heading_to_folder_name(r"# 1. Hi I'm Bob"))




Make folders in the same directory as index note whose names are the titles of the headers of the index note.

The headers of the index note must match the regex pattern \# (\w+?)\. (.*?).

with (tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='temp_dir', dir=os.getcwd()) as temp_dir,
      mock.patch('__main__.convert_heading_to_folder_name') as mock_convert_heading_to_folder_name):
    temp_vault = Path(temp_dir) / 'test_vault_2'
    shutil.copytree(_test_directory() / 'test_vault_2', temp_vault)

    # This mocks return values of `convert_heading_to_folder_name` which is used to
    # determine the names of the folders to be made; I am using this because 1. I 
    # do not really care what the folders are named for the purposes of this example/test
    # and 2. I anticipate that I will make several modifications to the method before
    # I am satisfied with it.
    mock_convert_heading_to_folder_name.side_effect = [
    index_note = VaultNote(temp_vault, name='_index_1_chapter_reference_3')
    absolute_path = index_note.path(relative=False)
    index_note_directory = absolute_path.parent
    list_of_folders_in_the_same_directory_as_index_note = os.listdir(

    # 3 folders plus the index note itself will be made in the 
    test_eq(len(list_of_folders_in_the_same_directory_as_index_note), 4)

        ['# 1. First section in 1_chapter_reference_3'),'# 2. Second section in 1_chapter_reference_3'),"# 3. Hi I'm Bob")])

Identify order of notes in index notes



 get_notes_from_index_note (vault:os.PathLike,
                            ltNote, as_vault_notes:bool=True,

Returns the list of notes listed in the index note in the order that they are listed in.

Asssumes that the index note is “formatted correctly”.

See Also - [get_index_notes_from_index_note]( in markdown.obsidian.personal.reference.

Type Default Details
vault PathLike The path to the Obsidian vault directory
index_note VaultNote The VaultNote object for the index note.
as_vault_notes bool True If True, returns the [VaultNote]( objects for the index notes. Otherwise, returns the names of these notes
include_embedded_notes bool False If True, include in the list the embedded notes. Defaults to False.
Returns list Either of the names of the index notes in the vault or of the index notes as VaultNote objects, depending on as_vault_notes.

We can get the notes indexed in an index note in the order that they are indexed:

vault = _test_directory() / 'test_vault_2'
index_note = VaultNote(vault, name='_index_1_chapter_reference_1')
list_of_notes_in_index_note = get_notes_from_index_note(vault, index_note)
test_eq(len(list_of_notes_in_index_note), 10)
names_of_notes_in_index_note = [ for vn in list_of_notes_in_index_note]
test_eq(names_of_notes_in_index_note[0], "note_11")
test_eq(names_of_notes_in_index_note[7], "a_note_belonging_in_3_section_1_chapter_reference_1")
['note_11', 'note_12', 'note_13', 'note_21', 'note_22', 'note_31', 'note_32', 'a_note_belonging_in_3_section_1_chapter_reference_1', 'note_41', 'note_42']

We can just get the names of these notes instead of VaultNote objects representing these notes:

list_of_notes_in_index_note = get_notes_from_index_note(vault, index_note, as_vault_notes=False)
test_eq(len(list_of_notes_in_index_note), 10)
['note_11', 'note_12', 'note_13', 'note_21', 'note_22', 'note_31', 'note_32', 'a_note_belonging_in_3_section_1_chapter_reference_1', 'note_41', 'note_42']

Add line in index note
