
Instructions on installing trouver

Basic installation

  1. Install Python. Note that trouver is currently (as of 4/3/2023) mostly tested on Python version 3.10.6.

  2. Go to a command-line (e.g. cmd on Windows, Terminal on Linux, etc.) and run

    python -m pip install trouver


    pip install trouver

For Developers/Install from source

To use or develop the source code or documentation of trouver,

  1. clone the trouver GitHub repository. See GitHub’s instructions on cloning a repository for instance.

  2. trouver is developed using nbdev. As such, nbdev Python library is required to effectively develop the source code and documentation of trouver. Install nbdev with

    pip install nbdev

    To install trouver from source, go to the cloned trouver folder in a terminal, and run

    pip install -e '.[dev]'

    See the nbdev tutorial page for more details on using nbdev.