
Functions for managing the original authors of the texts in one’s personal math vault.

The convention we use for author names is either <family_name> or <family_name>_<given_name>_<middle_or_other_initial>. The letters are all in lower case and spaces are replaced with underscores _, but hyphens - are preserved. All accents from names are removed. For example, gauss (for Carl Friedrich Gauss), kim_hyun_jong (for Hyun Jong Kim, the author of trouver; note that his given name is Hyun Jong and his family name is Kim), ellenberg_jordan_s (for Jordan Stuart Ellenberg), doleans-dade_catherine (for Catherine Doléans-Dade), and verdier_jean-louis (for Jean-Louis Verdier) are examples of names formatted under this convention.



 just_last_name (author_name)

Return True if the author’s name is formatted to only have the last name.



 find_author_file (vault:os.PathLike, author_name:str,

Return path to the file for the specified author.

Raises - AssertionError - If author_folder does not exist in vault or if the requirements of author_name are not met.

Type Default Details
vault PathLike
author_name str Either just the last name, e.g. "serre" or formatted as "{family_name}_{given_name}_{middle or other initial}", e.g. "little_john_b", "lockhart_paul". In the former case, the mathematician’s last name must be unique in the vault. In the latter case, the str must identically match the mathematician’s file name in the vault.
author_folder str mathematicians The directory where the author files are found in, relative to vault.
Returns typing.Optional[os.PathLike] Relative to vault / author_folder. None if no such author file exists.